Date: Tue, 28 Dec 93 23:13:07 PST From: Info-Hams Mailing List and Newsgroup Errors-To: Info-Hams-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: Info-Hams@UCSD.Edu Precedence: Bulk Subject: Info-Hams Digest V93 #1518 To: Info-Hams Info-Hams Digest Tue, 28 Dec 93 Volume 93 : Issue 1518 Today's Topics: ARRL Mailinf list Fullerton Area First Night Festival Station Info sought on FT480 2m All-mode K8CC logging program Missing 13-year old ham need comments on MFJ antennas and accessories (2 msgs) Need TS 440 and TU 8 information Paul Harvey corrects his story about HAMS. Repeater database? (2 msgs) UK scanner listeners arrested; called "hams" wanted: morse tutor for apple II Where are all the young enthusiasts? Send Replies or notes for publication to: Send subscription requests to: Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the Info-Hams Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/info-hams". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 29 Dec 1993 02:25:02 GMT From: netcomsv!! Subject: ARRL Mailinf list To: Did you know that if you don't notified ARRL , if you are a member, that you want to be removed from thier mailing list. They will sell your name to all the vendors? I discovered this from a phone called to ARRL. I was presented a gift from my in-laws that they had sent for a membership to ARRL , QST magazine. But had forgotten to give ARRL my call letter. As I was speaking to the membership person, I had requested that I NOT receive any mail from vendors. On the phone I was able to hear the clerk typing in the computer a long sentence. I have no idea on what he was typing, but it sure sounds like he was typing something about that I be removed from the mass mailing list . Why does ARRL even have this? If you look at the subscription form to join ARRL there is no where to mark that one can be removed from selling your name to other vendors. This is only my phone opbersation to ARRL headquarters. -- .----------------------------------------------+--------------------------. | INTERNET: (DC436) | Daniel Curry WB6STW | | AMPRNET : [] | E-:-) Ham Radio Operator | | AX.25 : wb6stw@n0ary.#NOCAL.CA.USA.NA | Redwood City, CA USA | '----------------------------------------------+--------------------------' ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 28 Dec 1993 14:41:52 GMT From: netcomsv!netcomsv!bongo! Subject: Fullerton Area First Night Festival Station To: In article (Mark Gregory Salyzyn) writes: >The Fullerton Amateur Radio Club is holding a First Night Special Event >Station. First Night, as many of you should know, is a non-alcoholic ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ >celebration of the beginning of 1994. It had to happen. Hogmanay for the Politically Correct. They can't even call it New Years Eve. -- Julian Macassey, N6ARE Voice: (310) 659-3366 Paper Mail: Apt 225, 975 Hancock Ave, West Hollywood, California 90069-4074 ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 28 Dec 1993 22:13:50 GMT From:!!!!!!! Subject: Info sought on FT480 2m All-mode To: I'm looking for info/experience reports regarding the Yaesu FT480R. I have a chance to pick one up for $325. It is circa 1981. It's a 2M all-mode with 4 memories, mobile, and I don't think that it includes the CTCSS module. Any help appreciated. 73 de Harry. N1QVE ------------------------------ Date: 28 Dec 1993 14:03:49 -0700 From:!!!!! Subject: K8CC logging program To: Someone told me about a neat logging program by K8CC (not as messy as the Swisslog and yet as good). Where can I order it and for how much? Please reply to me directly. Laurent ------------------------------ Date: 28 Dec 93 20:26:49 GMT From: Subject: Missing 13-year old ham To: You have probably already seen on this Digest: > NATHAN TAYLOR, WZ1W (MISSING CHILD) UPDATE > > Even though two federal agencies are now involved in the hunt, > there are still no leads to the whereabouts of Nathan Taylor, > WZ1W. Nathan is the thirteen year old ham from Gardner > Massachusetts who ran away from home last August 27th. ...[etc.] Does anyone have a scanned picture that can be posted as a GIF or JPG file? -- ============================================================================= Bob West WA8YCD Internet: ============================================================================= ------------------------------ Date: 28 Dec 93 22:43:06 GMT From: ogicse!!!!!slc6! Subject: need comments on MFJ antennas and accessories To: I'm somewhat unhappy with my MFJ 2m telescoping halfwave. While it works and is definitely an improvement over the radio's rubber duck, a friend's AEA hotrod looks better made. The SWR on the MFJ is 3:1 and worse, so I'm not too happy with that, either. I haven't had a chance to test the AEA's SWR. Stephen -- Stephen Trier KB8PWA "The light at the end of the tunnel Work: may be an oncoming dragon" Home: - Unknown ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 28 Dec 1993 19:35:14 GMT From:!unogate!!usc!!!!caen!!!gateway-gw!newshost! Subject: need comments on MFJ antennas and accessories To: (Jerry Sy) writes: >Also, is the MFJ J Pocket Rollup antenna any good ($15)? No. It was a pretty cheaply built twin-lead j-pole (a real garage shop operation IMHO) with heat-shrink tubing and such. The VSWR was all over the map when you got your hand near the feedline, so we sent it back. >how about telescopic antennas for HT (MFJ-1714, $17) ? how does this >compare to the AEA hot rod ($25) ? I've been _really_ happy with the Hot Rod. I'll never buy another piece of MFJ gear, but to their credit they took it back without batting an eye. From what I can gather, you can build all of the MFJ stuff in your basement at least as well as they can build it in thiers, but then that's true of a lot of commercially available ham equipment. Don't get me started, or I'll tell you about my Fun With Wyman... 8*{ -- Willie Smith She's writing a formal letter of complaint to the Internet Administration! ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 28 Dec 1993 16:02:57 -0700 From:!!! Subject: Need TS 440 and TU 8 information To: In article <>, turner@safety.ICS.UCI.EDU (Clark Savage Turner WA3JPG) wrote: > Hello All: > > I have the Kenwood TS 440 and have picked up the TU 8 tone encoder > (I believe it is the TU 8, it is not marked, but I picked it up from > a former TS 440 owner who said he used it in his radio). > > 2. How to activate (where to place the unit). I had heard once (on the > air) that the PL is not activated unless the TS 440 was operating from the > split memories. Is this true? > Clark > ..................... I just happen to have the basic TS-440 manual here at my desk. Had borrowed it from the club ham shack. It doen't have the TU-8 settings but does answer one question: "An optional subaudible tone unit TU-8 is available for installation in the TS-440S for accessing 10 meter FM repeaters. This tone is activated whenever the TS-440S is in the SPLIT mode" "SPLIT switch: Allows the use of one VFO for transmit, and the other for receive (Split Frequency operation). For example: VFO A is the active VFO, and VFO B is the inactive VFO. Depressing the SPLIT switch will cause the TS-440S to receive on VFO A and transmit on VFO B. The mode of reception and transmission will follow the mode contained in the appropriate VFO memory. It is possible to work cross band, cross mode if desired." ========================================================================= Opinions, thoughts, &cetera are my own (when I can remember them). "He flies the sky KB7MSF Like an Eagle in the eye UTAH of a hurricane that's abandoned." America ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 28 Dec 1993 22:32:02 GMT From: netcomsv!! Subject: Paul Harvey corrects his story about HAMS. To: Yesterday I wrote about Paul Harvey using the word "Hams" to refer to a group of people in England who responded to a police radio transmission of martians landing. Today Paul Harvey did mention his little goof yesterday, and did correct his story. He metioned that the word "Hams" when used in reference to amateur radio is commonly believed to mean Licensed Shortwave Radio Operators (close) and that a license is NOT needed to listen to shortwave. He mentioned the work Amateurs have done in the wake of floods, earthquakes and fires. Oh, and he mentioned that the source for his story was Reuters (as on email respondent to me suggested.) Now the question... why did reuters just NOW pick up on this story... I read about it last month in Monitoring Times... and they have a three month lead time. Thank you Paul Harvey, for correcting your story. Mike N6QYA ------------------------------ Date: 28 Dec 93 09:43:04 GMT From: ogicse!!! Subject: Repeater database? To: ... > >Is a database of (US) repeaters available (for free or licensable)? >Something like what's used to generate the ARRL repeater directory >is what I'm interested in - presumably it's in some electronic form >already. Any leads greatly appreciated. > > Mike Blackwell -- ke3ig -- I just spotted the following on page 98, Jan '94 QST: "National Repeater Coordinators Database. Contact Jay Maybey, Regulatory Information Branch, at ARRL HQ, for assistance with the NRDB." Looks promising. Joe - AA3GN ( ------------------------------ Date: 28 Dec 1993 18:13:17 -0500 From:!!!!panix! Subject: Repeater database? To: In article <>, Joe Landis - Systems/Network Mgr. - x2621 wrote: >... >> >>Is a database of (US) repeaters available (for free or licensable)? >>Something like what's used to generate the ARRL repeater directory >>is what I'm interested in - presumably it's in some electronic form >>already. Any leads greatly appreciated. >> >> Mike Blackwell -- ke3ig -- > >I just spotted the following on page 98, Jan '94 QST: > "National Repeater Coordinators Database. Contact Jay Maybey, > Regulatory Information Branch, at ARRL HQ, for > assistance with the NRDB." > >Looks promising. > >Joe - AA3GN ( > The NRDB is a service for frequency coordinators use, only. It is designed to facillitate communication between coordination groups, and for providing data for publication in the ARRL Repeater Directory. Perhaps in the future there will be a national database made available in non-printed form, but that will require formal agreement among the coordination councils which provide the data. Publication of repeater data is a sensitive issue for many repeater trustees. Many wish their repeaters to be "secret" -- non-published. Others feel it's OK to be listed in the ARRL Repeater Directory, but not elsewhere. I can't speak for other councils, but for TSARC there will have to be a formal policy adopted -- perhaps even a constitutional amendment (I have to double check). Anyone in the TSARC region interested in this issue, either way, please! Get involved! 73, Andy -- ______________________ Andrew Funk, KB7UV ______________________ | President, Tri-State Amateur Repeater Council (TSARC) | | ENG Editor/Microwave Control, WCBS-TV Channel 2 News, New York | | Internet: Packet: kb7uv@kb7uv.#nli.ny.usa | ------------------------------ Date: 28 Dec 93 12:52:21 EDT From: swrinde!!!caen!!!!! Subject: UK scanner listeners arrested; called "hams" To: In article <>, (David Hough) writes: > In article (slm) writes: >> >>I read the following "Guardian" report, via Reuters news service, and was rather >>irked. I would imagine that all the folks involved in this were >>NOT necessarily ham-radio operators :-( >> >>And I'm no expert on British law, but it seems rather unfortunate >>to arrest someone because they wanted to drive someplace and see >>something, if they were looking from a distance and not interfering >>with police activities. >> > [article deleted] > > Under English law (and probably Scottish as well - the two are not always > the same) the only things you can listen to radio-wise without a licence of > some sort are broadcast > standard frequency service. > > > Note that I don't agree with the law, but the British Goverment has always > been a bit paranoid about what its citizens can listen to! > > The way things are going in the US we are not too far behind. Taking in consideration the Scanner Laws and now the US DOT ban on RADAR detectors for commerical vehicles. This ploy would sound like something for an agency to do that would provide good arrest stats. Sort of like the old speed trap ploy, a great money maker too. 73 Wes WB8CEH ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 29 Dec 1993 01:51:53 GMT From:!!!!!aaron! Subject: wanted: morse tutor for apple II To: In article <> writes: > >If yu have a IIgs, there is a nifty program called "QSO Kid" available on >services like GEnie. I can't find this using archie. Does anyone know where I can FTP it from? Thanks - Joe, AF2J -- Joe Reinhardt, Department of Electrical Engineering The Pennsylvania State University ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 29 Dec 1993 05:25:17 GMT From: usc!!!emory!kd4nc! Subject: Where are all the young enthusiasts? To: (Michael Sattler) writes: >Larry Kollar ( wrote: >: threatening the establishment is exactly what LARC (and most clubs, to >: tell the truth) need. Ham radio is in a rut. And from what I've heard >: from others, LARC is actually one of the better clubs around. Makes me >: wonder what the bad ones are like. >: OK, how about you & me & Richard (and anyone else you can think of) get >: together at a BBQ joint and talk about what can be done. I've been >: hinting for a long time that LARC needs come competition -- I'm done >: with just dropping hints. You're not the only one disenchanted -- how >: many times have I been to a meeting this year? There are others. >Hey! Can someone from San Francisco attend the threat-in? The SFARC >is in a similar rut and I'd sure like to push more there with the warm >fuzzies that havin unindicted coconspiritors in LaLa land would bring. >: -- >: Larry Kollar, KC4WZK | I like CW, but that doesn't mean I think every ham >: | should have to learn it. >: "On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog." >-- The problem, Larry, is that you won't really attract a club unless you have a local 2 meter repeater...that's the way the mentality is in this area. I don't have the funds to start a new repeater, nor do I have the site for one. If I could put one up locally, ie on the square, it'd be nice...but I don't know anyone....furthermore, when LARC (lanierland, not the gay club) found about it...they'd probably be calling my house... Oh well... John >----------------------------------------------------------------------------- >Michael S. Sattler (KE6DZF) +1 (415) 621-2903 >Digital Jungle Software Encrypt now; ask me how. Finger for PGP key. > Geek = GCSy+n+f+g+t+d--p--c++u+e+m++s++/rhw!l > All that is required for evil to triumph is > for {wo}men of good will to do nothing. ------------------------------ Date: 28 Dec 1993 15:16 PST From: agate!!!!! To: References , <>, <> Subject : Re: what frequencies are marine band? In article <>, (Willie Smith) writes... > (P.Bennett) writes: > >>There are no repeaters (as hams know them) in the marine service . If you > >Are there no repeaters allowed, or are there just no repeaters? I can >think of a few islands that use VHF marine almost exclusively that >could use the increased coverage that would be made available by a >repeater on one of the duplex channels... > Well, I guess the questions here are: would the appropriate regulatory authority issue a station licence for a marine repeater, and, who would want to install such a thing - where would funding come from, etc??? I expect that the Coast Guard and Telco would not be interested - perhaps a large yacht club might be interested. Peter Bennett VE7CEI | Vessels shall be deemed to be in sight Internet: | of one another only when one can be Bitnet: bennett@triumfer | observed visually from the other TRIUMF, Vancouver, B.C., Canada | ColRegs 3(k) ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 28 Dec 1993 19:20:17 GMT From:!unogate!!usc!!caen!!!gateway-gw!newshost! To: References , , <>ar Subject : Re: what frequencies are marine band? (P.Bennett) writes: >There are no repeaters (as hams know them) in the marine service . If you >are willing to pay for a phone call, the telco might let you place a call >to another vessel on the same (or different) channel, and so get the effect >of a repeater. Are there no repeaters allowed, or are there just no repeaters? I can think of a few islands that use VHF marine almost exclusively that could use the increased coverage that would be made available by a repeater on one of the duplex channels... -- Willie Smith She's writing a formal letter of complaint to the Internet Administration! ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 29 Dec 1993 03:19:40 GMT From: swrinde!emory!kd4nc!ke4zv! To: References <2fkooa$>, <>, <> Reply-To : (Gary Coffman) Subject : Re: cw waivers In article <> (John F. Woods) writes: > (Gary Coffman) writes: >>According to the Newsline article, RTTY, AMTOR, and *other non-CW >>digital protocols* all count toward the award. That opens the possibility >>for totally automated stations to achieve DXCC in a short time. > >Oh boy. I've always looked forward to the day when machines could enjoy my >hobbies for me, thus freeing me to ... uh ... That's the sad thing isn't it? If competing for score by hand is superceded, you can't think of anything interesting to do with amateur radio, like maybe actually exchanging ideas with another person over the air, or playing with a new technology. But rejoice Type A, they aren't abolishing the CW Honor Roll, just adding a new category. Unless you can't stand not having *every* award, you can ignore the machine scores and be content competing in your sub- category. Like an antique car racer, you can't compete with the real race cars, but you can still show off to your sub-culture. Gary -- Gary Coffman KE4ZV | You make it, | gatech!wa4mei!ke4zv!gary Destructive Testing Systems | we break it. | uunet!rsiatl!ke4zv!gary 534 Shannon Way | Guaranteed! | emory!kd4nc!ke4zv!gary Lawrenceville, GA 30244 | | ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 28 Dec 1993 15:09:44 -0700 From:!!! To: References , <>, Subject : Re: UK scanner listeners arrested; called "hams" In article , erik@avalon (Erik van bronkhorst) wrote: > > > Agreed about the police methods, but who is going to take > seriously a report about aliens? I remember as a child > police talking about Santa Claus sitings over their > radios but I didn't buy it. > -- > Erik KC6UUT DoD#4342585443 AMA#438054 Apparently, Englishmen will flock to unusual "sights". Reminds me of an experience told me by a good friend: he was a diplomat in Russia (Air Attache at the US Embassy) and would see people flocking to get at the end of a long line. He went to the end of one line as asked why everyone was lined up? The answer: "This is a long line, there must be something good at the front!" This is a true story. I would guess that the English who were scanning the police frequencies were very much used to hearing very factual data and did not even think that false information, outlandish as it was, would ever be broadcast over an official police band by the official police. This might be a good test here in the US to see who might be attracted by such an announcement Milt BTW Erik, is you AMA # Academy of Model Aeronautics? -- ========================================================================= Opinions, thoughts, &cetera are my own (when I can remember them). "He flies the sky KB7MSF Like an Eagle in the eye UTAH of a hurricane that's abandoned." AMA 8400 America ------------------------------ End of Info-Hams Digest V93 #1518 ****************************** ******************************